This applications helps to calculate the sunrise and sunset times of your current location or each location in world on each day of the year. Enjoy planning your next holiday, trip or photo session where ever and when ever you want to go.
Test your knowledge and spot the countries of the world on the map. Choose from different regions. Start with the easier ones like Oceania and North America before you test yourself on Europe, Africa or even the whole world. Select the number of choices for different levels of difficulty.
This application helps to calculate the mileage of your car quick and easy. In addition it can give you the cost per distance and maximum range of your car. Make sure you find the cheapest gas station near you in order to save.
You can save a history of calculations locally on your phone and email it to yourself for backup and further processing.
Do you ask yourself sometimes, where in the world is this country? This application shows each country of the world on the map. Either select it from the list or jump around randomly.
Play a little prank on all those snoopy and greedy colleagues, friends and family members who want to touch your iPhone. When you press start it will wait for the next fool to touch it to simulate a crack in the glass where it has been tapped. When it's 'broken' you have to press the home button to go on.
You can use any image URL as a background image in order to make the experience as real as possible. Optionally it will simulate an emergency shutdown after 4 seconds to make it look real broken.