Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New in the App Store: Week Number

This application calculates the number of the week for any date in the past and the future. It can either use the US method (first day of week is a sunday) or the ISO method (first day is a monday, first week contains the first thursday of the year).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Project: Week Number

This application calculates the number of the week for any date in the past and the future. It can either use the US method (first day of week is a sunday) or the ISO method (first day is a monday, first week contains the first thursday of the year).


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Monday, May 4, 2009

New in the App Store: Calories

It's time to think about your weight. If you plan to make a diet or just want to stay in shape this application is for you. Track your daily calories. Set your limit and see whether you can stay below.

You can calculate your daily limit with help of the basal metabolic rate method.

New in the App Store: Calculator

This is a full text calculator with history. Just enter your formula in the text box and tap the '=' button. You can use the Google calculator as well (e.g. for unit conversions).

Available functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sqrt, exp, log, pow, abs, round, ceil, floor, random, PI